The Lego Madhouse and Me

Welcome to The Lego Madhouse,

My name is Christopher Pearce, perhaps better known as CapnRex101 throughout the online Lego community. I am based in the UK and recently decided that I would embark on a somewhat ambitious project, that being to create my own MOC of Arkham Asylum.

On this blog I will document my progress surrounding the MOC, from initial designs to build pictures right through to the finished article, as well as giving some of my views on more general Lego news and sets.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Arkham Asylum - Poll Results...

For the last week or so a poll has been running, as I am sure many of you are aware, to decide which of my four initial concepts was the most popular.

The winner, in something of a landslide victory, was my Arkham Asylum Based Concept with 69% of the vote (210 votes). This came as little surprise to me as it is by far the most visually interesting and versatile of the four ideas in my opinion.

Arkham Asylum - Batman Arkham Asylum Inspired Design

The other designs came in with the following percentages of the vote:

The Batman: The Animated Series inspired concept - 17% of the vote.

The Hospital inspired concept - 9% of the vote.

The Castle and Batman Forever inspired design - 5% of the vote.

Now I can begin considering the layout of the asylum in more detail, and tomorrow I will kick things off by posting a sketch of the proposed layout on Arkham Island of the various buildings which make up the asylum. Following that, I will finalise the layout and shape of the actual island and consider what can actually be placed beneath the asylum (a small satellite Batcave, the sewers and Killer Croc's lair to name just a few) while still retaining a strong enough structure to support the large building on top.

I have already been given some ideas over the last few days, but if there are any elements of any of the other three designs which you feel should be incorporated in the final model, please leave a comment below.

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