The Lego Madhouse and Me

Welcome to The Lego Madhouse,

My name is Christopher Pearce, perhaps better known as CapnRex101 throughout the online Lego community. I am based in the UK and recently decided that I would embark on a somewhat ambitious project, that being to create my own MOC of Arkham Asylum.

On this blog I will document my progress surrounding the MOC, from initial designs to build pictures right through to the finished article, as well as giving some of my views on more general Lego news and sets.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Arkham Asylum - Functions for Section One...

As I have previously mentioned, this MOC will be build in several sections. The first section to be built will be the front gate and courtyard, and although I am sure as I build more possible functions will become apparent, I already have some in mind. Over the last few days I have discussed a couple of these possible features with more experienced Technic builders than myself, and have received some excellent advice (and new ideas).

One of the functions which I proposed was a secret door in Killer Croc's lair. This would be opened by moving a rock hidden among many others which would act as a switch. It is apparent that using an only mechanical solution would be particularly tricky, and thanks to some of the people who volunteered to assist I have worked out exactly what I want to do here and how I will go about achieving the effect I am hoping for. Beneath you can see my initial idea for how to create this function, unfortunately however, despite using more gears to increase the torque, nothing could be done to make the door slide up as much as I wanted without forcing the switch to move further than I wanted. Therefore the only solution is to use Power Functions, which will not only mean that the door will open nice and smoothly, but I can run other functions off the same motor (like lights for instance) and activate the feature via remote control!

I do not want to give away too many of the features I have planned for each section, so this is just a taster of what might be included in the final model.

This week a large cabinet which I ordered for storing the bricks for this model, as well as general spare parts, arrived, so now I can commence with the mammoth Bricklink orders which will be required. Expect an update on what I bought soon. Until then however, keep checking back on my Flickr page for some images which I hope to post in the next few days of some more small concepts I have created recently.

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