The Lego Madhouse and Me

Welcome to The Lego Madhouse,

My name is Christopher Pearce, perhaps better known as CapnRex101 throughout the online Lego community. I am based in the UK and recently decided that I would embark on a somewhat ambitious project, that being to create my own MOC of Arkham Asylum.

On this blog I will document my progress surrounding the MOC, from initial designs to build pictures right through to the finished article, as well as giving some of my views on more general Lego news and sets.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Arkham Asylum - Progress Updates...

After my aspect sketches in my last post, on this occasion I am presenting one of my concepts which shows what kind of look I hope to achieve in this area of Killer Croc's subterranean lair.

As you can see in the image below, I am looking to include some bizarre rock formations, such as that large stack which goes from floor to ceiling, as well as smaller cave recesses and perhaps a couple of shafts of light coming in from outside. The dark patches on the floor of the cave represent the small pools of water which will feature prominently in many of the caverns beneath the asylum.

Cavern Sketch
In another point entirely, I hope to make my first Bricklink order for this MOC later this week. Of course, light and dark bluish grey rock pieces (slopes and bricks) will be the order of the day, of all shapes and sizes. Look out for more news on that later in the week.

Before that however, I will be posting an article about a small vignette which I constructed, as more of a practice effort than anything else for creating these vast caves.

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